Exploring the Hazards of Hidden Plumbing Leaks

A plumber fixing a leak.

If you’ve had to deal with a plumbing leak, you know what a hassle it can be. With results ranging from inconvenience to devastation, a plumbing leak is not something you should take lightly. It’s easy to take action quickly when you know something is wrong, but what about when you don’t know a plumbing […]

Do I Have Slab Leak? Beginner’s Guide to Slab Leaks

The words "Do I have a Slab Leak?" in front of a cracked slab.

While a home that is built on a slab provides more protection against flooding than a home with a crawl space, it can be harder to detect when an under-slab pipe is leaking. Because of this, it is especially important to watch for the signs of a slab leak. Slab leaks can lead to major […]

Exploring Electronic Leak Detection Technology for Plumbing – A Guide by Bewley Plumbing

A plumber fixing a leak.

Any pipe can break and start leaking. If not repaired, the leak can cause significant damage to buildings and create unsafe situations. The trouble is leaks often happen in hard-to-reach areas, such as inside walls and underground. Fortunately, different types of equipment are available to plumbers to help detect leaks. Without leak detection technology, searching […]

What Are the Three Stages of Plumbing in New Construction?

bathroom bathtub faucet

With new construction, there’s a lot going on, like the installation of new plumbing. A lot of work goes into creating a plumbing system, and it can be broken down into three stages. In this blog post, Bewley Plumbing will take you through those stages. This process is carried out in conjunction with the construction […]

How to Install a Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal underneath a sink.

Garage disposals are incredibly useful and can make life in the kitchen a whole lot easier. Placed under your sink, they shred food into small enough pieces to pass through your plumbing. In this blog post, we break down the steps needed to install a garbage disposal. Please keep in mind that the safest and […]

How to Winterize Your Home’s Plumbing

A person working on a sink with the words, "how to winterize your home

Keeping your home safe and warm this winter starts with preparing indoor plumbing for the upcoming dip in temperatures. When it’s cold enough for snow and ice, it’s cold enough to freeze your pipes. Start with winterization in autumn to protect against any early freezes, and feel secure all the way until spring. Here are […]

Freezing Weather Tips

Freezing weather tips

Here are some tips to protect your home from freezing weather: Turn off outside faucets and remove any garden hoses. Wrap the faucet with a towel or styrofoam insulator. Turn off and drain any automatic sprinkler systems. A trickle of hot and cold water might be all it takes to keep your pipes from freezing. […]

What to Do If My Child Put Dishsoap In the Dishwasher?

A sink full of suds with the words, "what to do about dish soap in the dishwasher."

While dish soap and dishwashing detergent both clean dishes, dish soap was not made to be put in the dishwasher. However, that nuance often escapes the notice of children who just want to be helpful around the house. As a result, they might have put dish soap in the dishwasher in their overzealous attempt to […]

How to Pet-Proof Your Plumbing

A picture of a cat in the bathtub with the words, "how to pet proof your plumbing

From the minute they join your family, pets become a huge part of your life. No matter what kind of pet you have, they are a constant source of amusement, companionship, and love. Oftentimes, they are also a huge source of extra messes, but almost every pet owner will agree they are well worth it. […]